Quietly delivering mobile apps since 2002
See all our products hereSpiral Crossword - the game with a twist! Play this fun game in both directions. Spiral Crossword is a new fun and absorbing way to play crosswords. You can play it clockwise or counterclockwise - two puzzles in one.
For more information see the microsite - you can play it in the browser! www.spiralcrossword.com
This giant themed crossword is a fabulous brain game if you like solving challenging puzzles. The ultimate puzzle - play the world's biggest and best single crossword, with over 1250 clues in a single grid. The grid is a huge 103 by 103 cells.
For more information see the microsite www.thebigcrossword.com
Learn how to solve cryptic crosswords with this interactive app. Available Now on iPhone/iPads. Section one covering Hidden Words and Anagram Clues is FREE to try
For more information see the microsite www.learncrypticcrosswords.com
Based on a course and booked designed and taught by Henry Howarth the app takes you on a learning journey proven to work czdcrosswords
Our adult colouring book comes with 1200+ beautiful and highly detailed professional pictures for you to be creative with. Mindful colouring is a great way to relax and be creative with a quick five minute fix, or for many hours of pleasure.
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